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Bonus 1
How To Create Your Own Webinar / Tutorial Videos
To create your own webinar style videos, you can simply use Google Slides and ScreenCastoMatic to record your screen.
This is the app I use every day.
You will need!
To Create Webinar Presentation Slides:
Use Google Slides
The Software To Record Your Screen:
You Should Get To Be EVEN More Professional
A Professional Sounding Microphone:
Want to sound professional?, you will need a professional microphone
Desktop headphones
Have a Desktop headphone is important because you are able to listen to yourself speak better than speakers and sound more professional
Desktop Webcam
having Desktop Webcam to record yourself with the screen motion in a thumbnail bottom right of the screen
Software To Edit Your Video
Sometimes you make mistakes and want to keep going and not start over again from the start – just finish the video and save it.
Next download it to your computer hard drive.
open this editing software and add the file and then slice it up by editing out the mistakes – final stitch together and save and upload to YouTube through the software
Bonus 2
Unlimited 50 Backlinks for Videos
Why Backlink Is Important For Traffic ?
Essentially, every time a site links to your pages, it’s saying that it finds them worthy of sharing with its readers. When search engine spiders find a site with lots of other sites pointing to it, they conclude that the site provides quality information that should be rewarded with high rankings.